Inventive Financial Facilitation. You probably have ideas about how you'd like your finances organized, how you want to live in retirement and what you'd like to leave your children. But do you know the best way to get there?
You have two choices. You can do what everyone else does. Or, with a little creativity and a lot of ingenuity, you can do exactly what's right for you.
At Simkowitz & Co., we believe in exploring all the opportunities thoroughly. We start by developing a crystal-clear picture of what you have today and what you'd like to have tomorrow. Then, we meticulously orchestrate a bundle of strategies that cohesively move your goals forward.
If like many high net worth clients, your plan demands a unique approach, we will facilitate the appropriate accounting or legal relationships, asking the right questions and securing the right outcomes, so that all elements of your plan are precisely tuned, performing in perfect harmony.